When the news leaked last Tuesday that Walgreens would not seek a tax inversion, media outlets jumped to cover this latest twist in the inversion summer saga. The next morning, the company confirmed it will not move to Europe as part of its planned takeover of Alliance Boots. Since then, the press has spent a lot of ink dissecting the inversion that wasn’t.
The wave of news coverage is a lot to keep tabs on, which is why we’ve compiled some of the best stories about Walgreens’ decision not to re-domicile below.
Walgreens Shuns Inversion In £5bn Boots Deal
Sky News
Activists applaud Walgreen decision
Red Eye Chicago
Reports: Walgreens won’t tap lucrative tax loophole
USA Today
Double Punch for ‘Inversion’ Deals
Wall Street Journal
Walgreen CEO: Leaving U.S. wasn’t in best interest of shareholders
Chicago Tribune